Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Author of Compassion Knoxville Changes Photographs

This morning, while listening to the Ed and Bob Show on WNOX FM 100.3 a caller brought up that Amy Gibson the author of the Compassion Knoxville study that is being released today had as her Facebook profile picture a photograph with the three campaign badges for the three candidates that have supported the Ten Year Plan. I didn't think much about it. Until I  got back to my office this afternoon and received an email from one of my sources. The source informed me that Ms. Gibson had changed her profile picture to a photograph without campaign badges. Why would she do that?

Sources close to Compassion Knoxville have raised the possible reasons today. Gibson is apparently concerned that people would perceive a bias towards favoring the old Ten Year Plan. This Compassion Knoxville report is the old Ten Year Plan with two more big ticket items paid for with local tax dollars. The "wet shelter" safety center and the mobile health clinic. So this is the old Ten Year Plan but more expensive. That is not what the voters want and this raises the question that a Madeline Rogero supporter was in charge of Compassion Knoxville. The comments and the topic group discussions do not match the recommendations of the Compassion Knoxville Report.

According to my source, this is the photograph that was on her Facebook page this morning.

According to my source, this is the photograph on her Facebook page this afternoon after it was mentioned on Ed and Bob Show.


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    And the plot thickens. All this is, is TYP 2.0. We can't afford this there are no more section 8 vouchers.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Amy Gibson had a bunch of pictures of herself and Madeline Rogero on FaceBook. Then suddenly yesterday she took them all down. This was fixed. The Director of Compassion Knoxville was a Rogero plant. You cannot trust these people.

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Now Amy has her photo back on Facebook with the pins of her favorite candidates that will bankrupt this city. She made a post today saying that Eddie Mannis supports Madeline and that she will make a great Mayor. Well it take one progressive to know another. We can't afford Madeline,Finbarr, and Barney.
