Thursday, August 11, 2011

Breaking News: Who Would Madeline Choose For Law Director?

Sources close to the City of Knoxville Mayor's race are saying that Madeline Rogero will hire Stephanie Matheny as Law Director. That the Ten Year Plan for scattered housing will be implemented in it's entirety. Why am I not surprised? Read here Ms. Matheny's guest column on housing for the homeless.


  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Look at the contributions to Rogero. It is the Lawlers and the Woods. And all the places like VMC.

    Rogero will bankrupt Knoxville with the Ten Year Plan. And put dangerous drug addicts into suburban neighborhoods.

    Vote no to the Ten Year Plan, vote no to Rogero.

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Rogero and Finbarr Saunders this time last year they were pushing the Ten Year Plan on the citizens with any imput from the citizens. If we elect these two and she hires Matheny then they will start the Ten Year Plan back an the citizens will not have any imput. If it was not for Ron Peabody and Jeff Ownby we would have homeless housing in every neighborhood and no section 8 vourchers to be able to put anyone in there.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    This is very disturbing. Matheny was responsible for thousands of homeless units in Seattle. She is a homeless industry consultant.

    This is very bad. They will start the TYP back up.

  4. Hubert Smith1:09 PM

    I have no dog in this fight other than seeking the truth. This morning I asked Madeline Rogero for an on the record statement about Staphanie Matheny as law director. Her reply was a flat no. She said, "There is no truth to that rumor."

  5. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I would love to know the truth. A close family friend for over twenty years overheard Rogero in South Knoxville talking to close supporters say she would fund the Ten Year Plan no matter what. And then Rogero later denied it whenever she was asked.

    So what is the truth? And how do you know? Rogero tells supporters what they want to hear then denies it when asked. I have seen this happen time after time.

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Yes you seen it the other night at the Beck center, her and Mark Padgett will say whatever they need to get elected. It also depends what growd they are talking to also, their message changes everytime. She gets elected, Mrs. Matheny will be hired in some form and will start the Ten Year Plan back up. This will mean higher taxes everyone.

  7. Anonymous2:51 PM

    This cities Independants and Republicans better wake up or Madeline will be Mayor and will tax us and have Homeless Housing in every neighborhood. Mark Padgett needs to back out, he only shows up for forums and depending on who he is talking to he tells you what you what to here. Him and Madeline are the same, you seen it at the Beck Center the other night. They are both nothing but sales persons. Mike Ragsdale is running Mark, and John Lawler and Woods are running Madeline. Ivan is the only candidate that has been to the African American Communities over and over again, he doesn't promise that we will do it for you, he says he will help you succeed. Vote Ivan Harmon, "One of the People, For the People".
