Monday, August 15, 2011

Gloria Johnson Responds

So, I posted this link over at the local liberal blog (here) and at least one other person did some additional research and posted their thoughts and research over there and lo and behold Gloria Johnson came clean. She does not live in the 6th. But, she says that Central High School where she is employed is in the 6th.

I am aware that state law allows someone to be a resident of a county for one year and run for an office and if you are successful then you can move to that district. It is a quirk in state and federal law. A gentleman from Chattanooga ran against our Second District Congressman twice. But clearly he was not successful. For the same reason multiplied with others is why Gloria will not be successful.

One reason Gloria will not be successful is that in the 6th, we don't take kindly to political opportunist carpetbaggers saying " well, I will become one of you, once you elect me." Secondly, it is interesting that the Democrats floated out Actor David Keith's name as a candidate. Clearly, he turned them down. They couldn't find a resident of the 6th that is a Democrat that would run so Gloria is D team or less selection.

As for Betty Bean's comment that for someone that bad mouths the local liberal blog, I am promoting over there. NO! Actually, I recognize and point out people that post over there who are foul mouthed, unprofessional. R. Neal doesn't fall in that category. Only Bean and a few rogue commenter's and posters. So, I am there to provide balance, objectivity and defend myself from baseless, unprofessional, derogatory comments from a rogue reporter.

By the way, Gloria gave her phone number if anyone has a question or needs anything. It is 865-660-9800 but she also said don't bother calling 8:30 am - 4:15 pm That is not what we want in a Senator, one that will not be available when we need them. We need a Senator of the People, that will represent us. One that will do our business, when we need it.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-14-204 (2011)

    2-14-204. Eligibility to fill vacancy.

    Only a qualified voter of the district represented shall be eligible to succeed to the vacant seat.

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    You have to spell it out for the folks. They need their hands held all the way. This is a Special Election, therefore read the section of the TCA that pertains to a SPECIAL ELECTION. I am sure after they read the following, we will see many definitions for the term QUALIFIED VOTER.

    Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-14-204

    © 2011 by The State of Tennessee
    All rights reserved


    Title 2 Elections
    Chapter 14 Special Elections
    Part 2 Vacancies

    Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-14-204 (2011)

    2-14-204. Eligibility to fill vacancy.

    Only a qualified voter of the district represented shall be eligible to succeed to the vacant seat.

    HISTORY: Acts 1978, ch. 923, § 1; T.C.A., § 2-2004.

  3. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I am reading the TCA, now. I think she is wrong. She can't just move into the district after getting elected. She has to be a registered voter of the district because this is a vacancy.


    Title 2 Elections
    Chapter 14 Special Elections
    Part 2 Vacancies

    Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-14-204 (2011)

    2-14-204. Eligibility to fill vacancy.

    Only a qualified voter of the district represented shall be eligible to succeed to the vacant seat.

    When she picked up her petition she registered her 7th district address.

  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Go a little slower so Gloria can understand please.

  5. Why shouldn't Gloria expect to be unavailable to her constituents and snub their concerns? Harry Tindell has been doing it for years! He is the most disinterested and disrespectful representative I have ever met!

    And FYI, yes I have told him I think that, to his face, and in email, and invited him to meet to discuss it and tell me why I am wrong. No reply. Which proves my point.

    Sandy Loy
