Saturday, August 06, 2011

He is Where?

Clarification: I received an email this morning (Sunday 8-7-11) from Mark Padgett's campaign spokesperson that clarified the information from my sources. "what you heard isn't true. Mark was in Florida this weekend for a close friend's wedding." I appreciate her contacting me and clarifying Mark's whereabouts. It demonstrates that even Shock And Awe can sometimes use a little clarification. I guess I owe Mark a cup of coffee now. I digress.

Original Blog Post: Today was the Lonsdale parade, Ivan Harmon candidate for Mayor was there with volunteers handing out school supplies. Madeline Rogero arrived late and had to hustle to catch up to her group. Mark Padgett was represented by his father and a supporter or two. Brian's Blog sources overheard that Padgett was out of town taping a television commercial. Do What? Why do you have to tape a commercial out of town? Doesn't Knoxville have what you need for a backdrop and don't we have the capabilities to do that here?


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Well either Marks spokesperson is not telling the truth or Mark's father is not telling the truth. Mark's father said he was out of state shooting a commercial for the campaign. Sounds like spin to me.

  2. His dad could have said that to see where the story goes. I guess he knows now. LOL
