Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Marshall Stair - Supported by the We Won't Show Up

City Council candidate Marshall Stair, you know the guy that doesn't show up for City of Knoxville Primary ELECTIONS has garnered the posted support of former MPC "50% or less attendance" Commissioner Rachel Craig.

She has posted her support for her candidate boy wonder on knoxblab. Today, she has posted that I have endorsed Bill Owen. I support people that believe in showing up for the job. In 2 years of serving on the MPC, Craig was a 50% or less attendee. Even Commissioner Amy Broyles has publicly stated that Craig's non attendance at MPC meetings was/is a problem.

So, if you want a Councilman that has NEVER bothered to vote in City of Knoxville Primary ELECTIONS. Then cast a vote for the endorse of the 50% club.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Yikes, reading Rachel Craig is one scary woman. Not a big fan of America. Hard to believe we have people living in Knoxville that hate America so much. Marshall Stair should run from her as fast as he can.
