Monday, September 05, 2011

The Big Metal Shed on the Hill Alludes to Stair Motive

On August 27 at 8:28 pm we posted what sources close to the campaign of Marshall Stair had told us. That Marshall's motive for running against Bill Owen and Buck Cochran was to build his resume and gather volunteers in order to challenge State Senator Stacey Campfield in 2014. Well,in today's endorsement by The Big Metal Shed on the Hill of Owen and Cochran's opponent the primary reason given is so he "can earn his stripes" Well, there ya go!


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    The KNS is such a joke. They said they wanted Diversity but did not endorse a single African American candidate, why because they are Republicans.

  2. I really don't think Jack McElroy is a Republican. But if he is, he is the worst type of Republican. He would NOT be the Country Club "Establishment" but he is the boot licking suckup to the Country Club "Establishment" ones.

    I ain't in either of those two catagories, put me in the TEA Party group. I make decisions not on the R, but on the best candidate that believes in our Constitution

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The KNS has never met a Democrat they didn't like...their endorsements are a joke.

  4. Remember when the TEA party first git started? The KNOS and every other liberal rag laughed and hoped they wouldn't make their worst nightmare is coming true as the true middle class is uniting in the TEA party and is going to make a difference. Just when the Dems had manipulated the Rep's by infiltrating the ranks with RINOs the TEA party has emerged to give true conservatives a place to be heard! Yea Haw!

  5. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Sorry I was trying to say that the KNS is not living up to their desire to have youth and diversity. If they wanted that they would have endorsed Micheal Mcbath,John Stancil and Ron Peabody, there is an African American and youth and two gentle man that have never ran for office and have voted in every election in the City and County since they moved here. But these guys are Republicans, so the KNS can't endorse them it would make what Liberal readers they have left made.

  6. Thanks for the clarification.
