Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Jobs Mark Padget Creates Are NOT in Knoxville

As Tuesday's City of Knoxville Primary approaches the biggest issue among the candidates is making Knoxville an area that creates jobs. So, as I looked at Mark Padgett's financial disclosure imagine my surprise that the jobs he has sustained with the $400,000 plus dollars he has raised from Knoxville businessmen and women are not only out of Knoxville. They are also out of the state and what are the ideologies of these entities?

Melville, NY First Data $982.25

Waltham, MA Constant Contact $50.00

Washington, D.C. NGP Van, Inc $4,825.03
Washington, D.C. McKenna Pihlaja $15,000.00
Washington, D.C. GBA Strategies $17,200.00
Washington, D.C. Winning Connections $1,408.26

Fairfax, VA Media Strategies $136,880.00

Jeffersonville, IN MyCampaignStore $2,128.00

Miami, Fl Straight Talk $157.75

Cincinnati, OH PC Signs $3,829.29

Little Rock, AR Wright Strategies $4,125.00

Dallas Texas, Birch Communications $739.97

San Francisco, CA Google $800.00

Chattanooga, TN Mellissa Kensey $250.00

Nashville, TN Terry Quillen $500.00
Nashville, TN Girdstem Research $1,875.00
Nashville, TN Thomas Lindsey $2,000.00

Union City, TN Brad Thomas $5,250.00

The grand total of these expenditures are $198,000.55 all out of the City or County of Knox and a great majority of the State of Tennessee.

Now, let's look at one of the Washington, D.C. firms that Padgett hired. In their own material they credit "contributed to major Democratic victories in several 'third tier' races." They "directed national research and message development for the Gore-Lieberman campaign" They have worked with "DGA, DCCC, DSCC" They brag that in 2008 they "helped Democrats turn New Mexico from a delegation with a majority of Republicans to a delegation with a majority of Democrats" They credit themselves "successful ballot initiative campaigns, including the January 2010 passage of tax increases on the wealthy and corporations in Oregon" They have worked with the "Sierra Club, union leaders, National Education Association (as well as affiliates in 19 states)" For ten years one of their associates "served as the Executive Director of Democracy Corps, a non profit organization founded by Democrat strategists James Carville, Bob Shrum" The same associate "worked on the field campaign of Carol Moseley Braun" and "directed the Clinton/Gore campaign for the north side of Chicago." Another associate worked "union mobilization for President Obama in the 2008 election." Worked with "Michigan Democratic Party" as well as the "New Jersey Democrat Party".

So, when the RINO's (Republican In Name Only) say they are supporting Padgett because it is non partisan race. Obviously Mark hasn't been non partisan.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    The Haslams and any other Republicans that gave Mark money should look how he used their money. They could have gave their money to Ivan Harmon a true Conservative Republican and he would have spent their money locally and with business that support this community. Republicans need to get out and vote for Ivan Harmon for Mayor or we will have a Union loving, Tax raising, Business killing Progressive Liberal in the Mayors office.
