Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Republicans Dishonoring the Legacy of our 40th President

Yesterday a press conference was held outside Ruth Chris's Steakhouse and 7 former Chairs of the Knox County Republican Executive Committee announced their endorsement for one of the State Senate District 6 candidates. The 7 were representing 8 former Chairs as one of the endorsers was out of town.

In the haste to assemble the former Chairs, they did not invite, contact or solicit three former Chairs. Prisoner of War Survivor Mr. Bill Tallent, Knoxville Attorney Mike McClamroch or the 2005-2007 Former Chairman Brian Hornback.

This is not the first time that this group in their haste to maintain some semblance of power and control have made endorsements in a Republican Primary. They have violated Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment before. Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment is to not speak ill of a fellow Republican. To endorse one candidate over another in a contested Republican Primary is saying that the candidate(s) that you are NOT endorsing are not worthy to represent the party or position.

So, if you are a Republican in State Senate District 6, I ask that when you go to the polling place to cast your vote. That you will decide for yourself who the best representative for you will be. Seven years ago, you made the right decision in State Senator Jamie Woodson! I am confident that in honoring the legacy of our 40th President Ronald Wilson Reagan that you do not need me or any current or former Republican party official to tell you who to vote for.

Just make sure you vote!

By way of complete disclosure, State Senate Candidate Becky Massey approached me last night at the State Senate Debate in South Knox County and informed me that she did not organize the endorsement yesterday and had she known that one or three former Chairs had been excluded either intentionally or by accident, she would have contacted them herself. She apologized to me for the actions of one former Chair.


  1. Anonymous6:10 PM

    It is a shame that these same people can't come out and endorse Ivan Harmon for Mayor. Ivan has been a loyaly Republican. I ask all Republican and Conservative Democratic's and Independants to get out and vote for Ivan Harmon.

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    What about your endorsement in the Property Assessor's race. Doesn't that violate the 11th commandment of Ronald Reagan?

  3. I agree, if they are going to endorse in a race, a non partisan City of Knoxville race is one where with 2 solid Democrats, 2 Independents and 1 Republican they should. But remember one of them has already endorsed the most liberal Democrats ever to be on the ballot.

  4. There has been NO endorsement from me in the Property Assessor's race. Because, the Property Assessor's race is not until 2012. So we don't know who all the candidates will be.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    but your ugly attack on Sue Atchley was not a violation... Your attacks on Foster Arnett, Chad Tindell . . . none of those violate? right? good thing you can clear all of that up - in your mind

  6. Anonymous1:06 PM

    What about June 24, 2011 (last paragraph under Bud Armstrong)post sure sounds like support if not an endorsement. You're right, on who the candidates are, but two have announced, and are having fund raisers, and it sure appears you are more in favor of one than the other. Just trying to keep you honest though.

  7. There was no ugly attack on Sue Atchley! There was an editoral opinon about the County Commission selection and how only the Commissioners that pocketed money from Ben Atchley's PAC was selected. That was NOT a partisan primary, that was an appointment by a legislative body.

    Now, if you would like to know what an ugly attack is. I have been a victim of an ugly attack and there were witnesses and it was reported. Here it is for your reading

  8. Your perception is not correct. Favorable news is not support and it is certainly not an endorsement. Just because 2 people have indicated their intent does not make them a candidate. Just because someone has fundraisers does not make them candidates.

    Black Wednesday County Commissioner Jack Huddleston raised several hundreds of dollars for a 2008 County Commission run and then did not run.

    So, until the filing deadline passes and certain candidates are qualified, then any blog posts are just news on how effective or ineffective someone is.

    As for the Knox County Property Assessor, I have known him personally nearly my entire life as he married a cousin of mine. So, I know how ineffective he is in everyway.

    That is stating my opinion, not support, not endorsement.
