Friday, October 14, 2011

First Ever Admiral Walk

A couple of days ago, a few Farragut Admiral fans came up with the idea of an Admiral walk. The team always eats it's pre-game meal and walks back to the school. So, the idea was to line up along the entrance road from Campbell Station Road to the high school. Surprisingly, in just a few days a lot of Admiral fans lined one and a half side of the road. A new tradition may be born. Tonight at 7:30 p.m. the Admirals host Maryville at Bill Clabo Field in Beautiful Downtown Farragut.
Admiral Dave was one of the first and has a sign that reads "I Believe"

Pretty Good crowd lining at least one side of the road.

Here come the Admirals!

Here is our Admiral leader, My Hero Coach Courtney as he leads the Admiral Walk.

The Admirals Focused!

More Admirals Experiencing the first ever Admiral Walk.

The Big Admiral Guys!

The rest of the Admirals! Now, Let's Go Get the Rebels!

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