Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Mark Padgett Scores Key Endorsements!

Knoxville Mayoral Candidate Mark Padgett holds a Press Conference with all the Mayoral Candidates that finished behind his showing from the September 27 Primary.

Former Mayoral Candidate, County Commissioner, City Council Member and School Board Member Ivan Harmon speaking to reporters about his endorsement of Mark Padgett.

Former City Councilman Joe Hultquist shaking Padgett's hand after having endorsed Mark Padgett for Mayor.

Bo Bennett, former Mayoral Candidate for Knoxville speaking of his endorsement of Mark Padgett.
In a surprising move, Knox County Sheriff Jimmy "J.J." Jones endorsing Mark Padgett.

Fourth District County Commissioner Jeff Ownby was also at the Padgett endorsement press conference.

Community Activist Chuck Williams was also on hand today for the endorsement press conference.

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