Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nasty Political Mail

I was talking to an elected official yesterday. She told me about a nasty mailer that made reference to "national blogger Brian Hornback". I have continued to receive numerous phone calls about the letter. I haven't seen the letter, but the attack on a good corporate citizen of Knoxville is uncalled for. In addition, if it is exactly as it was read to me it is malicious and I hope the identity of the originator is discovered. I talked with Lloyd Daugherty, Chairman of the Tennessee Conservative Union today. About 14 members of the TCU's have called him about the letter. Of the ones he has talked to, it seems that the members in the Fountain City area of Knoxville were a target.


  1. Desperate little nothings resort to that kind of crap...just as in last year's 3rd Congressional District race ...those that participate in that type of "campaigning" will be defeated...

  2. I agree Brian, no private citizen should be bashed in any political mailings. He is a good business leader in our community and does alot for the veterans in this community. As for the letter I do not condone or support any aspect of it, even the calling of two former Knox County GOP chairmans, I respect these men and I hope that the TBI is called in to findout who is sending these letters. All these letters do it taint the political process. If you wish to express your views on the political scene then please put your name to it and be proud of your position. I do not think that we need to go back to the political tactics of the 80's and 90's.
