Thursday, November 03, 2011

Businessman and Mayoral Candidate Mark Padgett Opposes Stormwater User Fee or a "rain tax"

Businessman Mark Padgett for Knoxville City Mayor campaign today issued a policy position on the city’s proposal for a stormwater user fee.

The city’s Energy and Sustainability Work Plan includes a proposal to adopt fees to “finance upgrades to the existing system… A stormwater user fee establishes a direct link between the demand for stormwater services based on home size, driveway, and business and parking area square footage” (see page 51-52 

“After receiving many phone calls and e-mails from concerned Knoxvillians, I wanted to voice my opposition to the city’s Stormwater Utility proposal,” said Mark Padgett. “From Charlotte to Chattanooga, similar approaches have proved to be little more than a monthly ‘rain tax’ that appears on your utility bill. During these tough economic times, I’m concerned this approach will push businesses out of the city while unnecessarily burdening families, churches and non-profit organizations. Someone can always come up with a good reason to create fees and raise taxes. Instead, my administration will focus on growing the local economy, cutting wasteful spending in city government and finding innovative financing methods to invest in neighborhoods and improve city services. I urge my opponent to clarify her position on this issue.”

In several radio interviews, Madeline Rogero stated that she has not proposed a rain tax and that she does not want one, like
this one. However. according to her Metro Pulse questionnaire, “As mayor, I will implement the Energy and Sustainability Plan produced this past year by Mayor Haslam’s Energy and Sustainability Task Force, which I co chaired” Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    It's more than just a tax on rain. You parents that drive your kids to school will get a ticket for idling your car as you try to stay warm in the winter or cool in the summer. For real. And people who like to fix up houses will hate Rogero's new energy codes that double the price of fixer uppers. What kind of Mayor micromanages peoples individual liberty? You paid for the car but you can't stay warm in the winter because the energy Nazi wants to save the planet? It's your car. If you want to be told what to do hire Rogero. If not, hire Padgett.
