Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chad Tindell as a Lawyer Smells Blood in the Water

Yesterday's front page Knoxville News Sentinel had a picture of Mayor-Elect Madeline Rogero surrounded by her family and one Chadwick B. Tindell the delinquent tax attorney for Trustee John Duncan III. Sources close to Tindell can not confirm that he is in fact a family member of Rogero. Sources indicate he is originally from East Knox County and was adopted as a Tindell when his family moved to West Knox County.

Trustee John Duncan III was asked yesterday for his reaction to Tindell's disrespect toward Duncan III in appearing on stage with Rogero. Tindell prior to the Primary election in September was taunting individuals in the Deathstar aka City County Building elevators asking individuals if they were ready to say "Madam Mayor". When she failed to win the primary out right. The day after the primary Tindell had conversations with Mark Padgett and his campaign staff about joining the Padgett team.

Duncan III said he didn't feel any disrespect from Tindell from appearing on stage with Rogero.

When asked what his thoughts were about Tindell potentially smelling blood in the water with Duncan III's upcoming divorce and the $6 million dollar discrepancy with the accountants being issues where Tindell could utilize Rogero's supporters to challenge Duncan III for Trustee in 2014. Duncan III said he had not considered that as of yet.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy Appraiser1:04 PM

    Duncan III obviously has strong political instincts. Hopefully Brian's Blog can continue to help him by simply asking questions.
