Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mayor-Elect Madeline Rogero Transition Team Appears to be a Family Affair

So, Mayor-Elect Madeline Rogero released the names of her transition team through the PR Flak team of Cynthia Moxley. The team is made up of Former School Board Member and longtime City of Knoxville Administrator Samuel P. Anderson, Former one term School Board Member Anne Woodle and Retiring City of Knoxville Finance Director Larry Martin. Martin was appointed as the City Finance Director by then Mayor Bill Haslam on August 7, 2006. He began as Finance Director on September 18. Martin had retired in June 2006 after a distinguished career as chief operating officer for First Tennessee Financial Services.

Larry Martin is an excellent choice. I will not criticize the actual appointments of Anderson and Woodle. However, it is "cronyism come alive." First of all rumors have circulated for years that the Anderson and Woodle families are extremely close. Persistent rumors are that Woodle is the Godmother to at least one of Sam Anderson's children. Secondly, Anne Woodle's son Jason is married to City Councilman-Elect Finbarr Saunders daughter, Emily. Emily Woodle is employed in the City of Knoxville Community Development Department. Read
Here where Woodle is the Group Leader of the Energy and Sustainability Task Force - Community Involvement Work Group. The Task Force that recommended the "rain tax" and

The very department that Mayor-Elect Madeline Rogero led after the termination of Renee Kesler. Kesler was appointed as Director of community development on August 4, 2005. She was tasked with "overseeing the Community Development Division which leverages funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs for local neighborhood improvements, particularly programs related to economic development, housing and job training. Read it here. She reported to Sam Anderson, senior director of the City's Department of Community and Neighborhood Services." Kesler replaced Kevin Dubose, Haslam's first Director who left to accept a  position as "director economic and community development for the city of Macon, Ga."

Then Mayor Bill Haslam on December 22, 2006 announced Madeline Rogero would become Director of Community Development. Instead of reporting to Sam Anderson as Renee Kesler did. Rogero reported to Larry Martin, Deputy to the Mayor and Finance Director. Larry Martin said then, "I appreciate Madeline's willingness to take on the challenge of leading the Community Development department at this time." "She is committed to the Mayor's agenda of strengthening our neighborhoods and making sure all funds available, whether it's city, state or federal dollars are used in the best way possible to enhance our city." Read the announcement

Cynthia Moxley's PR team represents Knoxville Utilities Board and Knox Community Development Corporation among many others. With the press release being sent from Moxley Carmichael and Cynthia's social media interactions at the Rogero election night victory party. Is this an indication that Cynthia Moxley's team is poised to pick up the City of Knoxville as it's next client?

Now, if a team like this were assembled with the names of Ashe, McAdams, Keith and Stair or Hutchison, Tramel or Moore or Bean, Stokes and Tindell. The Big Metal Shed on the Hill would surely be stopping the presses to print accusations galore or maybe not.

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