Monday, November 07, 2011

Padgett RocksTheVote, He Does Not Rest on Status Quo

While the other (more seasoned) candidate is resting this evening, Businessman and Mayoral Candidate Mark Padgett is campaigning. I attended the 9 p.m. stop at Buffalo Wild Wings on the Cumberland Avenue strip. Pictured is Padgett with several of his staffers. A crowd of about 75 attended. Jeff Ownby talked to several registered voters that had not voted and they committed to vote for Padgett after Ownby explained why it is necessary to elect someone with some native Knoxville/Knox County values and is fiscally conservative.

So, while some may sleep and be tucked in bed enjoying the status quo. Mark Padgett will not be status quo.
His children are here in Knoxville. They haven't moved away to Virginia to raise their families like the other (seasoned) candidate.

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