Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rogero Appoints Mannis and Lyons

Today the PR Flak team of Cynthia Moxley put out a press release announcing that Mayor-Elect Marilyn Rogero was holding a press conference at 1:30 pm on Market Square. Promptly at 1:30 pm Rogero took to the elevated stage area in the shadows of twin TVA towers and stood behind a Knox Chamber Partnership borrowed podium. She fastened a campaign sign to the podium.
Rogero announced the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy to the Mayor  will be Prestige Cleaners CEO Eddie Mannis. She also announced the Chief Policy Officer will be former Mayor Bill Haslam Department Head Bill Lyons. Mannis is a solid appointment while Lyons is a continuation of the status quo of the city administration that keeps the downtown special interest sedate.
Rogero announced that Mannis will be stepping down as CEO of Prestige Cleaners. Some people could hear former School Board Member and weekly tabloid publisher Steve Hunley, Owner of Superior Cleaners gloating that he may be able to capture some additional dry cleaning business.

Cynthia Moxley of Moxley Carmichael was on hand at stage right. Alan Carmichael the other half of Moxley Carmichael was lurking with the broadcast news. Moxley was the Rogero campaigns go to person for social media buzz on election night. Moxley's firm issued the press release yesterday announcing the transition team yesterday. Then this morning, Moxley Carmichael organized and directed this photo op. I wonder if Madeline Rogero is taking a page out of Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett's playbook. If you can find pr shop in the phone book, government ought not do it. So, is Moxley Carmichael in and Randy Keenner out? I guess we will know soon enough.

Also yesterday it was announced that Debbie Poplin of the City of Knoxville Law Department will be leaving. Poplin is going to working over on the federal government side of Main Street. Poplin is a very competent professional and will be missed. Will Rogero name Attorney supporters and former Republican Officials Billy Stokes or Chad Tindell as Law Director?

To prove I was there. you can check my twitter feed here. The pics above were twitted immediately  after they were taken. Also, my friend Jon Gustin captured the photo below. (this would be the third photograph of me pointing to the camera since June 2010) I am a trend setter. In an attempt not to cause the liberal crazies and nuts to be distracted. I slipped onto Market Square just before it began and slipped out as soon as it was over. I stood with Knox Chamber Partnership CEO Mike Edwards for the 10 minutes of Market Square activity. Edwards is always
good company.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Nice pic of you and Mike Edwards standing in front of Jason Woodle, TVA employee (Hatch Act violation?), son of Anne Woodle and son-in-law of City Councilman-elect Finbarr Saunders.

  2. I didn't know who that was or I would have identified him. Of course, I will still need to confirm this.

  3. Jamie Satterfield7:01 PM

    It's Randy Kenner, not Keenner.

  4. Thanks Ms. Satterfield!
