Friday, December 23, 2011

"Larry Van Guilder, Make Take This Go Away!" - Trustee John Duncan III

Just a couple of days ago, it was announced that E.W. Scripps writer/reporter Larry Van Guilder had accepted a Senior Accounting and Public Relations job with Trustee John Duncan III. So, needless to say. When today's story by Mike Donila of the Big Metal Shed on the Hill detailing the unearned bonuses going to Duncan and Duncan's top "employees" you just have to figure that like the "calgon, take me away" commercial. That Duncan screamed out, "Larry Van Guilder make this go away!" Larry may be begging E.W. Scripps to take him back. But at $58,000 a year, Van Guilder may be able to spin with the best of them.


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    LVG got fired from the Slopper News. That is as bad as it gets. JD3 chose poorly.

  2. I wish Larry well in his new job, I will miss his writing being critical of me. I guess I will just have to get it from the blogs or face to face. All kidding a side, Larry I wish you well and hope this career change is a good one for you.
