Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Now We Know Why Shopper News Van Guilder Treated Trustee Differently

UPDATE: December 21, 2011 Trustee Duncan when asked said that Larry Van Guilder's salary will be $58,000 a year. I bet thats an increase from a Scripps salary.

So, the reporting style of Larry Van Guilder has now been revealed. While Van Guilder was always critical of Mayor Burchett and his predecessor. While he was critical of School Board Members, County Commissioners and others. He was never critical of Trustee John Duncan. Why was this? Van Guilder who previously held accounting jobs turned news paper writer was holding out for another accounting job. Well, Mike Donila reports this evening (here) that Trustee Duncan has hired Van Guilder. Van Guilder was telling folks on Friday he was going to be hired.

I called Josh Burnett, Chief of Staff of Trustee Duncan late on Friday afternoon and asked him to confirm Van Guilder's hiring. He said they had not interviewed anyone and had several applications. Although he could not give me a definite number of applications. He also said the start date would not be until mid January 2012. When I informed him that Van Guilder was reportedly telling folks about it. Burnett said at 5:31 pm on Friday "Well he seems very sure. Guess we shall see come January." It seems we don't have to wait till January.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Public Relations staff hired for the County Trustee's office? That's got to be a first.

    But wait, the current Trustee hired a Chief of Staff when he assumed office last year too. Surely that was also a first. I guess Josh Burnette is being groomed to take over as Chief of Staff for the next Congressman Duncan when the current Congressman Duncan finally retires. None of these two Congressmen Duncan should be confused with the former Congressman Duncan.

    This is pathetic.

    But wait. I guess another first was hiring so many young, smart bankers to make Trustee's office more professional, like Burnette and all those other young guys who follow around the Trustee like some bumbling posse of retards. This new "more professional" Trustee office can't help but screw up an audit costing us taxpayers $12,000.00. Soooo professional.

    Way to operate your office like a true conservative, Lil Duncan, you childish hypocrite...

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Hate to hear this, always thougt Lil Duncan was to a higher standard than your ususal good ole boy politician. Guess you never really know until they get in and show you. However his name and the legacy of Jimmy will put him in Washington sooner or later.

  3. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Duncan will regret this decision. Van Guilder is a consummate liar. Why would anyone hire a liar of Van Guilder's reputation?

  4. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Wonder if Van Guilder got a pink slip for this:


    Van Guilder accused Commissioner Ownby of being stupid for talking about the 15th Amendment. But from the video it is clear that the Commissioner spoke of the 5th Amendment. Outright libel.

    Maybe that was the straw that broke the camels back?

    Duncan should not let Van Guilder do any PR.
