Friday, December 16, 2011

When you are a Successful Businessman, You are a Target!

With all the foreclosures, why the "Big Metal Shed on the Hill" reported this on Wednesday about Harry Sherrod's home foreclosure just didn't seem newsworthy. Mr. Sherrod was up front and honest about his situation. He owns Atlas Electric. Atlas suffered some slow times due to the economy and he has moved the operation to Kosovo. The news paper has detailed Atlas and Mr. Sherrod many times in the past. Mr. Sherrod always an optimistic person will survive and be successful again.  However, when you have been at the top, I guess it's newsworthy when there is a slip.

1 comment:

  1. Wagsdale7:04 AM

    Ragsdale may need the space...he is getting married this weekend....and guess to who? The young lady whom he was reported to have had an affair with, Allison Wagley, while she was his employee and his wife at the time had cancer...he vehemently denied the affair and the KNS refused to report it. Now they are getting married! What a coincidence! Another lie he told. She has two daughters so they will need plenty of room.

    Wagley and Rags used Sherrod's boat all the time for secret meetings. Interesting the KNS didnt report this affair but they had no problem throwing Bob Mohney and Angie King's affair out there when Region sued him.

    Bottom line...Ragsdale is a liar, and now he is marrying his paramour!
