Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Who has the highest paid salary in Knox County?

Some people say that Dr. Jim McIntyre, Superintendent of Knox County Schools is the highest paid. Some people say that Dale Smith, the head of the Knoxville/Knox County Public Building Authority is the highest paid. Well, my sources in the Deathstar (aka City County Building) have informed me (and I am attempting to get all the material) that the head of the Knoxville/Knox County Tourism and Sports Corp made over $400,000 last year. That my friends would be the highest paid in Knoxville/Knox County.

Some of that money is from hotel/motel tax. However, I am told that there are also direct contributions from Knox County and Knoxville that fund the KTSC.
Will this become an issue at budget time for either new Knoxville Madame Mayor Madeline Rogero or Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett? Stay tuned,


  1. Hubert Smith2:34 PM

    It didn't matter last year during budget hearings so I don't know why it will this year. You might recall there was all the talk about monies to non-profits and such? It was said by Gloria Ray in an open meeting "that the KTSC had been raising money for years and might be in a position to outright buy the Womwn's Hall of Fame," because Knox County owns it and bears the burden of expenses. However, it was all for show. The salaries are the same, Knox County still owns the WBHOF and paying the bills. That's my take on it, sir. So I will repeat my opening sentence, "It didn't matter last year during budget hearings so I don't know why it will this year."

  2. I think it will matter more this year, because the budget will be even tighter this year than last year. But you may be right. Stay tuned, I guess.

  3. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I am not sure how the KTSC benefits Knox County. UT sports is pretty much self sufficient.

    As far as tourism ideas go, it's one gimmick or slogan after another, with nothing significant that Knoxville has become known for in tourism, that it wasn't already known for before KSTC was started.


    That's a lot of input, for what seems to be little in output, if you ask me.

  4. Anonymous9:42 PM

