Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ballard on the Ballot or Promises Made Promises Kept?

Property Assessor Candidate Phil Ballard's old signs that he is putting up say "Ballard on the Ballot" His new signs say "Promises Made, Promises Kept". What were his Promises? To whom did he make Promises? Is this an indication of a quid pro quo?

If he promised to swap a lower salary of Jim Owings for a higher Trustee salary of his County Commission "Black Wednesday" buddy Craig Leuthold? That promise was kept!

If he promised to give former Property Assessor employees Karen Bacon (Mose Lobetti's daughter) and Carla Hatfield (Ted "TN State Republican Executive Committeeman Hatfield 's wife) to Trustee Duncan. That promise kept!

If he promised to fire former State Senator Jamie Woodson's step daughter. That promise was kept!

If he promised to clear himself from a sexual harassment investigation, utilizing a current employee. That Promise was kept!

If he promised to reassess all Knox County property higher when property values were dropping in order to raise the revenue for the Knox County government. That promise was kept!

If he promised to under assess the property of his Chief Deputy Jim Weaver. That promise was kept!

If he promised to move former Mike Ragsdale assistant Judy Parker to move from the Property Assessor Office to Trustee Duncan's satellite office. That Promise was kept!

Any more Promises made by Phil Ballard will likely bankrupt Knox County.


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Wouldn't it be more refreshing to have a candidate who makes promises and actually keeps them? Like: I promise to fulfill the duties of the office without cheating the county of the taxpayers' money, by doing the job, not paying huge salaries to people who don't deserve them and stop being petty & vindictive in any situation that doesn't go my way. I promise to respect my marriage vows. (I will not vote for Ballard.)

  2. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Brian I think you missed a few others he ran off including former commissioner Billy Walker's grand-daughter.

    1. Anonymous9:11 PM

      What a great family she comes from as well. That in itself should tell you something. Ballard doesn't have my vote. He should be ashamed of himself.

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Ballard disgusts me. Come on Knox County, open your eyes and see what kind of person he is. Unless you want to continue seeing Knox County spiral downwards, then get people like this out of office. Plain and simple. This isn't just politics this is the TRUTH. I'm tired of seeing my hard earned tax dollars go to people like this. It's time for things to CHANGE.

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I sure am glad that I am finding the truth out about Mr. Phil Ballard. If we will just start researching the backgrounds of these political figures, we might not be in such a mess. My wife and I work hard for our money and I must agree with the posts above. I'm tired of seeing my money going to someone pathetic as Mr. Ballard. Ballard off the Ballot and Promises made, Promises broken! We will be off on the right foot by booting him out of office.

  5. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Let's quit talking about all the negative things Phil Ballard has done and lets start talking about the POSITIVE things that John Whitehead can bring to Knox County! Vote John Whitehead for Knox County Property Assessor!

  6. Anonymous7:32 PM

    He promised to tax my 80 year old mother's business if I did not support him for a second term.... I still choose NOT to vote for Phil Ballard

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I know John Whitehead and he will bring forth a overwhelming change in this office. He is certified and knows the job. He isn't a has been county commissioner who would raise assessments to bring in tax revenue. This man would bring true transparency to this office, which it has not had in four years. The employees are suffering Knox County, won't you cast a vote for a leader instead of a dictator. Happy employees equals productivity.

  8. Anonymous9:41 AM

    This clown spent our tax dollars on a system that doesn't even work. What kickback did he get? He continues to ask County Commision for money and every time he gets it just to hire another politicians relative. See the pattern "WAKE UP KNOX COUNTY"!!!! Just because this clown has an R behind his name means nothing but a reject. Make the right choice and VOTE, he might have more signs and money but you will pay for this mistake if you vote for him. What are his qualifications? He hasn't any, chasing young girls around the office, thats nothing to brag about. Go on YOUTUBE and watch him it's a joke. He will not debate his oponent, he is scared. I watched him at the Halls Republican Club, what an idiot, I am your County Commissioner, really now. Wake up Knox County.

  9. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Look at the campaign disclosures vs. tax assessments. I bet Little Jack won't even bat an eye for his endorsement. Jim Weaver is just as bad, his home is underassessed, and gets a great salary and travel allowence. Craig Leuthold, what a joke, give him a job in exchange for west Knoxville votes. (not a chance) these clowns couldn't find their way out of a paper bag with a neon sign stating exit here.

  10. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Lets see a debate WBIR, you debated the Mayoral race to the hilt. This position brings in the money, don't duck and hide Ballard. "Get right with John Whitehead", he's got my vote. I won't keep my name from this I am proud to voice my opinion Mrs. Jo'Elenor Hicks.

  11. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I live on Grinnell Circle in East Knoxville, I just called the property Assessors office. What a rude bunch of people. The girl quoted me $189,000 for Jim Weavers house and $7,000 for the vacant lot, oh brother are we in for it. I pass by this house every day, well maintained and manicured. This house is worth at least $325,000 over charges the less fortunate and give the donors a break. This so obvious that Ray Charles and Ronnie Milsaps could see it. How do you sit in the church pew Phil?

  12. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Donations go hand in hand for political favors. I live in West Knoxville and retired from an honest living. I recall the stupid commercials last time with that dumb slogan Ballard on the Ballot, those monkeys that were repeating the slogan were nothin short of the GOP crowd of the same old same old. I still remember Jamie Woodson saying he brings over 30 years of experience to the job. What was his experience I will tell you. He has the experience of doing nothing, getting paid to do nothing, hiring people that do nothing and forcing himself onto people and gets nothing, strong arming business and property owners for support and money. I don't care how much money this clown raises, how many of the orange signs he puts up, how many of the GOP members are on his commercials, I WILL NOT VOTE FOR HIM NOR WILL ANYONE I KNOW!!!!!!! If enough people whom are tired of this will call five people that VOTE, and encourage support for John Whitehead we will forever be rid of this Black Wednesday reject. This message is to JJ and the FOP DO NOT BE FOOLED into endorseing this idiot, you have came a long way and as I recall didn't support him in the last election. Our Sheriff, Sherry Witt, Cathy Quist, Joy McCroskey and Honorable Howard Hogan are true Republicans and have the opportunity to endorse the right person for the job, don't srew this one up people, we have a chance to make Knox County right and lets get right with John Whitehead, he is the "Intelligent Choice"
