Wednesday, January 18, 2012

But Then The Schools Are NOT Really Short

In this weeks column by Sandra Clark in the Shopper News she reports about the goings on at the Knox County School Board. Here is what she reported.

Knox County Schools will end the year with $10 million more than expected, said Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre. Revenue exceeded projections by $5 million, while another $5 million was squeezed out of expenses. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that $7 million in federal stimulus money is gone, unavailable for next year’s budget.

So, if they end the year with $10 million more than expected and $7 million is not recoverable. My Knox County education tells me that Knox County Schools have $3 million more. Take $10 million and subtract the $7 million. You still have $3 million. Right? 

Tomorrow is the State of the Schools Address by Dr. Jim McIntyre

Tomorrow afternoon at Gresham Middle School at 5:30 p.m. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Jim McIntyre will present his first ever State of the Schools address. Shock And Awe (aka Brian's Blog) will have a correspondent on site to file notes and a possible photograph.

I can not attend because the Farragut High School Open House is tomorrow evening. That is when you go meet the second semester class teachers. School Board Member Karen Carson who also has a Farragut High School student will need to attend the FHS Open House as well. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:20 PM

    They were warned not to spend that $7 million on recurring expenses. Did they listen? nnnoooooo. Of course they didn't.
