Monday, January 16, 2012

Huntsman Out! No Surprise, There!


  1. Keeping Them Honest8:37 AM

    Maybe one surprised in our state was Victor Ashe...a BIG Huntsman supporter... by the way Mr Vic will take Larry van Gilder's place as the Shopper attack dog.......except Victor is much, much smarter!!! He is already working "off the radar" to position young Marshal Stair as the next City of Knoxville Mayor....and working the media to go after Gloria Ray and the Sports Corp....the real agenda there is to take Hotel/Motel tax money away from Sports Corp and send it to Arts Organizations.....just wait and watch how this unfolds....

  2. Ask Big Vic about his time as the "first city mayor on the board of Fannie Mae", he quickly forgets all things pertinent and will start walking the other way.

    Huntsman had no chance to do anything and who knows why he was involved in the campaign for any reason than to acquire a plumb cabinent position in the event some gig became available.

    Drawing a bead on the back of Gloria Ray right now is really easy and Big Vic is really reaching for the low hanging fruit on this one. See what he says about the pending Duncan melt down and he'll start walking off again.
