Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Josh Carroll Announces Candidacy for State Representative

Yesterday at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club Josh Carroll attended and informed the group that he will be a candidate for State Representative in the new district that will be created by redistricting. Carroll is married. He and his wife have two young children. He is a software designer. 

The state legislature is expected to approve a redistricting plan shortly after they begin the legislative session in a couple of weeks. Several of the legislators from Knox County indicate that there will be a new district without an incumbent. That is the seat that Carroll will seek. 

The Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club began as a group of several guys getting together to discuss current events. The invitation list has grown to almost 30 and the average attendance is between 15 and 20 a week. Knox County Commissioner Jeff Ownby and Knox County School Board Member Cindy Buttry are frequent attenders. That means no other county commissioners or school board members are allowed to attend. Although, media representatives Hubert Smith of One on One with Hubert Smith and The Hubert Smith Radio Show and Brian Hornback of the blog Shock And Awe are regular attenders.

The original founders of the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club are Walter "Black Wednesday" Wojnar, United Methodist Pastor David Green, Former Mayoral Candidate Ivan Harmon, Brian Hornback, Coley Pardue and Kenny Long. You must be on the email invite list. So, you need to know one (person) to get one (invitation). 

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