Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Knox County is Getting Cheated!

Last week former Scripps writer Larry Van Guilder went to work as the Communications Guy for Trustee John Duncan. So, Mike Donila at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill and Screams From The Porch has asked for comment twice from Van Guilder. In this story, "Larry Van Guilder, a spokesman for the Trustee's Office, said Duncan would not comment Friday." In this second story posted at 5:44 pm today on knoxnews, "Larry Van Guilder, a spokesman for the Trustee's Office, said Duncan and Burnett would not comment Tuesday." According to Trustee Duncan, Van Guilder is being compensated $58,000 and both times he remains mum.


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Will the new Trustee keep LVG? So far as a PR flack LVG hasn't shown much. JD3 has about a week of staying power. So the question is, resign now and head off the indictments, or wait for the indictments and plea bargain with a resignation? The carnage would be contained with the former. JD3 will most likely go for the latter, and take down CT and friends. The military term rhymes with blusterpluck.

  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    JD3 should resign and save his parents any further embarrassment. And then he should blend into obscurity and never run for another public office.

  3. Anonymous10:47 PM

    As President Richard Nixon learned, It's often not the crime that gets you, it's the cover up.

  4. Keeping them Honest12:16 AM

    It looks like three guys including JDIII have lawyered-up know....When will Chad Tindell hire one or will he self defend? If you are disbarred can you self-defend? News-Sentinel has done a great job in this coverage and been fair to all....including some with bigtime GOP ties!

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    What's going on with Knox Williams? He is part of that inner circle? He seems to be doing a good job flying under the radar. I wonder if the e-mail records will implicate him or if he is just that slick. I've heard it said he is so slick he can swim and not even get wet.

  6. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Andrew -- Your are Right On, Keeping it Honest AND Andrew! So far CT and KW have escaped the wrath, but won't forever.

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Apparently LVG is a pr flack-a-doodle.

  8. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Anyone can can act pro se and represent himself. However, there is a well known saying that "he who represents himself has a fool for a client." Every lawyer is well aware of this and there is no reason that Chad Tindell would not have have the sense to retian someone to represent him. I am fairly certain that he has already retained a lawyer and is preparing to protect his own interest. However, the fact that this situation has even occurred does not speek very well for Chad Tindell's professional abilities. His role in the Trustee's Office should have gone beyond simply filing suits for unpaid taxes. He was the senior (and probably the only) lawyer in the Trustee's Offie and he should have have the professional competence and good sense to advise JJD3 not to make a very bad decision. Any in-house legal advisor has "only one client" -Think of the Robert Duvall character in the movie THE GODFATHER and he has an obligation to keep that client from getting into trouble. This frequently requires that he gives advice which is often unwanted and sometimes unpleasant. This is a tough job but it is better to prevent problems than to have to deal with them after the fact.

  9. Keeping Them Honest11:39 PM

    Great comments about Tindell----The "Big Gameplan was as follows; JDIII gets some political experience and then follows his Dad 9and Grand-Dad into the Congressional seat that they both held....Chad Tindell then follows JD III and runs for the vacant Trustee job...I think a resgnation or ouster suit for JDIII and a disbarrment threat for Chad may end that scenario!

  10. Keeping Them Honest11:40 PM

    Great comments about Tindell----The "Big Gameplan was as follows; JDIII gets some political experience and then follows his Dad 9and Grand-Dad into the Congressional seat that they both held....Chad Tindell then follows JD III and runs for the vacant Trustee job...I think a resgnation or ouster suit for JDIII and a disbarrment threat for Chad may end that scenario!
