Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Trustee Duncan - The Gift That Keeps Giving

Here Mike Donila over at Screams From The Porch explains the payback plan or not that Trustee Duncan has implemented for his unearned bonus recipients. Trustee Duncan (aka BabyDuncan) the gift that keeps giving.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    More PR genius from LVG. At this rate D3 will be in prison by Easter.

  2. Keeping Them Honest7:16 PM

    I am appalled that Duncan III has not ordered all bonus returned asap.The 'Bogus bonus" money belongs to taxpayers not him...the money has not yet been earned. I hope County Commission addresses this issue aggressively. Numerous employees in the City/County building have completed the "Certified Public Administrator" course and are receiving nothing....the bonuses are optional NOT mandatory. I understand that this issue is still a hot topic downtown. Surely the County Commission realizes what a morale problem this issue has created. Duncan III must be braindead...his Dad may be able to call some Conty Commissioners to calm them down but I don't think he has time to call every voter in two years.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I was joking when I wrote D3 would go to jail by Easter. Guess I jinxed him. Or maybe he did it to himself. You can stick a fork in that boy. He is done.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    The paper tried to hide it, but D3 is serious trouble. Watch in awe as new PR flack LVG earns his pay. "Larry Van Guilder, a spokesman for the Trustee's Office, said Duncan would not comment Friday."

    Quite the PR pro there.
