Friday, February 03, 2012

Breaking News: Chad Tindell Hires a Lawyer

Sources from the Deathstar (aka City County Building) this morning indicate that Knox County Trustee Delinquent Tax Attorney Chadwick B. Tindell has hired legal counsel to represent him in the ongoing Trustee Bogus Bonus and alleged test taking investigation. 

Shock And Awe multiple sources indicate that the lawyer hired by Tindell, for Tindell is none other than heavy weight Criminal Defense Attorney Don Bosch. This latest engagement of hiring Bosch is on the heels of Zach Brezina hiring Greg Isaacs, Trustee John Duncan hiring Jeff Hagood and Chief of Staff Josh Burnett hiring Tommy Hindman

Stay tuned. 


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Bosch does plea bargains. Must be serious to hire Bosch. WBIR reports today that the end is near. Looks like the whole ship is going down. Rats and all.

  2. Notice that all of these guys are criminal defense attorneys with the exception of Hagood, who, in my opinion, dabbles in criminal law for guys wearing orange jerseys on Saturday, but doesn't ordinarily do any heavy lifting in Knox County Circuit Court.

    18 months into a bountiful political career, this juvenile attitute in the Trustees office has launched a devastating investigation, there has been at least one divorce, a county commissioner has been told to back off, generous bonuses were given and then given back,from all indications Burchette was lied to about the various sichiations, more to come, the only guy making out like gangbusters is John H. Daniels, which has sold all of these guys and their lawyers piles of suits and fine clothing, such that they'll look good going down on camera. The distinct sound of handcuffs snapping shut and the cry of the court bailiff downstairs are ringing in my hears.

    Gentlement, you've had a rather exciting opening act, what can we expect after intermission?

  3. Keeping Them Honest1:08 PM

    This follows Mayor Burchett's comments that Trustee needs to go if allegations are true...well four of Trustee's office have now hired lawyers. Tindell may be looking for legal council to avoid being disbarred for observing and condoning illegal activity without reporting it to proper authorities.As we all know from Bumgardner Case Bosch cuts smooth deals even when guilt is obvious.We also know that Tindell has a long record of self generated controvery...and lacks credibilty in the community. He lost a County Commission race, a county-wide Judges race and when trying to get a County Commission judicial appointment garnered one vote out of 19 total.So at least citizens that vote know his record!! I guess the Gloria Ray story has kept the Duncan Story on the back burner...but it will get HOT again soon. Bye-Bye Chadwick...

  4. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Where there is smoke there is fire. There are more than 70 people in the trustee’s office 11 of which are under the scrutiny of the bonus fiasco. Cheating was reported and the accused test taker, lawyers up immediately. Two of the 11 lawyer up after the cheater’s attorney says anything he did was at the direction of his supervisor. Now the trustee’s in-house attorney has lawyered up. By process of elimination we know who is being implicated in cheat –gate. If you follow the chain of command and take Zach B’s attorney’s statements to heart and understanding there are 2-3 layers of management between Zach B and trustee John Duncan you have to wonder if those two supervisors have lawyered too.

    It stands to reason Tindell had lawyered up a while ago. I couldn’t see why Josh Burnett would have taken on a less known, (professionally) lawyer like Hindman, unless the other big names where already taken. Which tells me Bosh had already been retained by Tindell. This isn't Tindell's first rodeo when it comes to scandal so I'm sure he knows the ropes and for all we know had Bosh on permanent retainer.

  5. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Chadwick is in deep doodoo. Story is that he was involved with the Zach order to take tests. The BOPR will have a harsh reaction unless Chadwick cuts a deal to head off the worst. That means he will roll on JD3. Pretty tangled web these spiders wove. Good day for Bosch though. This should pay nicely.

  6. Keeping Them Honest4:05 PM

    Chadwick is afraid to turn on Duncan III because of Duncan II...Dad still has a powerbase although his son's political and personal actions are eroding it away. Bob G ....Duncan II Chief-of-Staff is also irate at Mayor Burchett's comment on "resignation" which will be on WBIR 'Inside Politics" Sunday. Apparently the WRIB News Room was delighted that Burchett "talked about resignation" on the show....WBIR had the footage and thus the story....Well back to Chadwick..we know Don Bosch is expensive...odd that a former Knox County GOP Chairman hires the biggest Democrat Attorney in town....but when facing disbarrment and permanent career damage you better open your wallet. By the way Chad..."What goes around, comes around"....See you in Court!

  7. Anonymous8:44 PM

    'Chadwick is afraid to turn on Duncan III because of Duncan II'

    Uh, no. He'll roll because he doesn't want a BOPR complaint. His license could be suspended. Tindell won't go down for Duncan. This is a felony. Watch for musical chairs. Last one standing loses.

  8. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Isn't Josh Burnett a former Tyler Harber disciple? I'm fairly certain that those two were quite close while Harber was playing the enforcer for Ragsdale and Arms.
