Sunday, February 05, 2012

Is Scripps Shopper Trying to Steal Hunley's Focus?

In tomorrows Shopper News Farragut edition, longtime Scripps payroll beneficiary Sherry Gardner Howell debuts. The headline is "Welcome to our new look, new focus" Are they intending to steal Steve Hunley's Focus? 

Also longtime gadfly Shopper verbiage writer Betty Bean has an open plea to County Mayor Tim Burchett and Governor Bill Haslam about Senator Stacey Campfield. Obviously when Betty Bean pleaded for the job that Michael Grider earned that Bean begged and believed she would get has not gotten the message that Mayor Tim ain't listening to Beanie? 


  1. Keeping Them Honest10:04 PM

    Also in this Shopper is Victor Ashe's post mortem of Gloria's departure....Remember Victor's attack of Dave Hill's salary under Haslam?....Wonder what is next...the multi hugh salaries of the Knoxville Chambers top five which is also funded by City and County tax dollars or the over-the-top salaries of TVA execs (some in the millions and dozens making more than Gloria) who are NOT managing nuclear programs or plants.....stay tune!

  2. Keeping Them Honest10:07 PM

    Also in this Shopper is Victor Ashe's post mortem of Gloria's departure....Remember Victor's attack of Dave Hill's salary under Haslam?....Wonder what is next...the multi hugh salaries of the Knoxville Chambers top five which is also funded by City and County tax dollars or the over-the-top salaries of TVA execs (some in the millions and dozens making more than Gloria) who are NOT managing nuclear programs or plants.....stay tune!

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Forget the Slopper, what about Metro Pulse?

    Makes the Slopper look professional.
