Thursday, February 16, 2012

John Whitehead's Opponent Refuses To Meet With Don Dare

Here is a link to the WATE Don Dare story. Knox County taxpayer's can not afford any more clerical errors.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    It seems like the Property Assessor's error should not be grounds for them to raise the assessment on this woman's property. It should have been reset to what it was before and then raised to an appropriate value during the reappraisal. She would then have several avenues to protest (which she did not have in this case). I hope she does appeal this mess to the State. And that she tells everyone she knows about her treatment by Mr. Ballard, so that they will vote for Mr. Whitehead. Wonder why Ballard was afraid to talk to Don Dare.

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Yet again...another unsatisfied customer. The old saying "the customer is always right" should be used on March 6th. We will get this one White(head). Sorry, I thought it was funny....

  3. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Ol Phil is not able to pull off an intelligent answer to this issue without his staff. To single him out and corner this idiot would only show he is being paid for a job he is clueless and has insufficient knowledge of the assessors office. It's time to face the facts Phil, you are an insurance adjuster, and that's all. Leave the post that you were elected to gracefully, don't struggle to give answers to questions. The office switched over to a new system that isn't working, and you knew it wasn't ready. You are telling your employees to advise the public that this is a transition and you are working on a backlog of data entry. What lies you tell have caught up to you. No more emergency staff meetings to threaten us as employees, the breakfast no one came back from today, the campaigning on company time today in your jeans and orange shirts. The new position title for ms. Internet and the raises for a select few. If it was up to you personally you would re-write the constitution from liberty and justice for all to liberty and justice for some.

  4. Anonymous11:03 PM

    And tomorrow he will spend the day trying to ferret out the author of the above entry.
