Thursday, February 23, 2012

McMillan Campaign Violates School Board Policy!

Yesterday, we posted here about a possible school board policy violation by Mike McMillan and his campaign at Gibbs Elementary School yesterday afternoon. 

Today at 2:36 p.m. the man identified himself as "Brad Rayson" was handing out McMillan literature in the car rider line at Carter Elementary. The Carter Elementary PTO President, Larry Eastridge asked him to leave school property immediately. Carter Elementary School Principal Julie Thompson and she is looking into the situation. Conley Underwood and his campaign have followed each and every board policy. 

It is now confirmed that McMillan and his campaign has not and will not follow the policies of the board. It will be interesting to see how Superintendent Dr. Jim McIntyre and School Security Head Steve Griffin address this constant abuse of a board member's position.

As of this posting, sources indicate that Brad Rayson is a 17 year employee of Workers United SRJB an affiliate of SEIU. The labor union has connections to Jobs with Justice, the organization that rightfully fought for the custodians in Knox County Schools not to be out sourced. The question that must be answered is did McMillan arrange for a quid pro quo. I will vote for your position in the fall, if you work for my re-election in February?  


  1. Keeping Them Honest8:20 PM

    Mike McMillan was pasr of the old gang on Knox County Commissioner that cut deals prior to every meeting...time for a change and more progressive image!

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Mike McMillan and his crew of crownies are dispicable. I truly hope the 8th district wises up and votes this hoghead out!

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The Hunley gang can't shoot straight. Same ole games.
