Wednesday, February 01, 2012

You Can't Make This Up!

I was told a story about an incident from a few weeks ago. It seems that Doug Harris the opponent of Gina Oster both candidates for Third District School Board was at a West Knox Republican Club event. He obviously hadn't been given the memo, do not allow someone to put a sticker on you if you don't know who the candidates are and especially if you are a candidate for public office yourself. 

He allowed one of the volunteers for John Whitehead's opponent to put a sticker for John Whitehead's opponent on him. He walks up to Certified Property Assessor John Whitehead and said "I am Doug Harris and I am running for School Board. I would appreciate your vote." John Whitehead does not live in the Third District, but I am pretty sure Gina Oster's opponent likely did not get Mr. Whitehead's support. 

Shock And Awe send a special shout out to all the folks in the office of John Whitehead's opponent.  They are active supportive readers of Shock and Awe. It hasn't gone unnoticed how avid a reader you folks are. 


  1. Keeping Them Honest7:30 AM

    Gina has been involved for many years with Knox County School issues. She is a dedicated ,hard-working individual who would make an outstanding School Board member!

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Paula Rudder making $60,000 to do nothing but sit around and read blogs. Thats enough to make any taxpayer mad.

  3. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Do you think that all the people who commented on your last blog entry regarding Ballard work for Ballard? That would be very interesting, since the comments all were anti-Ballard!!! And are they reading your blog on county time? You already know that he reads it on county time.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Ballard will be lucky to get half of employee votes. Do you honestly think that they want to work for him for another 4 years after all the threats he has made to them and made the sign a contract saying they could be fired at anytime for any reason? NO

  5. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I agree, I feel sorry for anyone who has had to work for this man. He treats his employees like garbage. It's terrible that they have to work in fear everyday.

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    If he was truly confident in this race, there would be no need to threaten his employees about keeping their jobs, putting up signs for him, and the list goes on...

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    He's on a major power trip.

  8. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Yes, Mr. Ballard makes a lot of threats ... to his employees, his family and his community.
