Saturday, March 10, 2012

Did Armstrong Miss a Section in TN Charter Law?

"Bud" Armstrong at Center City Conservative Club
Since January Richard "Bud" Armstrong campaigned on the fact that he is Tennessee educated in Charter law. That he has more than 30 years in Tennessee Charter law. So yesterday when Law Director Joe Jarret made the move to resign at the end of this month. Armstrong's initial comments yesterday were that he was looking for a transition time. According to Mike Donila on his blog Screams from the Porch here yesterday that Armstrong was also saying "at this point his clients - he still has a law practice to close - are what would prevent him from applying for the job."

But, wait! As an an expert in Tennessee Charter Law. Did Armstrong miss Section 3.08 which tells us that an incoming law director is permitted to wind up a a private practice while serving as Law Director?

In fact Former Knox County Law Director Bill Lockett spent about the first six months winding up private cases and his actions were ALL totally legit.

So, did a majority of Knox County voters elect a Tennessee educated expert in Tennessee Charter law? I mean, if me as a 25 year private businessman that served 4 years on the Knox County School Board and 2 years as Knox County GOP Chairman in the good years of 2005-2007 can readily discover the speaking of the forked tongue regarding the Charter. Surely, others including the NEW home grown, Tennessee educated Armstrong would know he has time by the Charter to complete and close his law practice..

Hey, this way Armstrong could effect the Charter Review process and finish up his cases. So, that  on September 1, 2012 he is "our" full time Law Director. Not having to consume a learning curve. 


  1. Anonymous5:32 AM

    In my opinion Mr. Richard Beeler should be our interim Law Director. He would do a good job.

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    No, Armstrong needs to be there for the Charter review process.

    It is key.

    Either he is ready, or he is not.

    If he isn't, he's sending a really bad message about how the rest of his term will go.
