Saturday, March 24, 2012

KaTom Opponents, Don't Tell The Whole Story

Lisa Starbuck, member of the Knox County Charter Review Committee and oppose all things progressive on Washington Pike and Midway Road has jumped in over on the local liberal blog, here. When she is challenged by a commenter about NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) attitude.

She is quick to say that she doesn't live in the Midway Rd area. She was at one time (and may still be) an employee of a Steve Hunley owned business entity IMMI Records. Hunley has helped in the oppostion to the Midway project. She is quick to say KaTom should locate out in West Knoxville. Well, when we had a Knoxville company that needed to relocate off of it's postage stamp property off 17th Street. They selected property off of Washington Pike, that was in Starbuck's backyard and she opposed it. Their opposition, drove that business to Roane County. She and her crowd believe in running business from Knox County.

When Commissioner Larry Smith met with KaTom's President this week. He told her how Knox County is building a new state of the art Elementary School in the area of Midway Road. That helped to seal the decision to make Midway the #1 site for KaTom. They were not aware of that prior to Smith's meeting. So, instead of the KaTom employees driving to Midway to work. The likelihood is they will relocate their homes to the area and enroll their children in the Carter Schools.

That is good news, folks.


  1. Brian,
    Good job!

    Uncle Muley

  2. Keeping Them Honest9:48 PM

    Remember Knox County TaxPayers have $12 Million invested in the Midway property....enough to come close to building the new Carter Elementary (which is still not funded by Knox County)....also the East Knox citizens that ran off HT Hackney not only lost millions of property tax dollars going to Roane County but also 100s of great jobs. Odd that the East end wants to maintain the agricultural status but could not produce enough agriproduct to keep the Farmers Market alive!!

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If KaTom is lost because the Midway residents don't wish to join the rest of Knox County in being developed, then I guess the next step in conserving their pristineness of their environment will be to get it a completely protected that of a national park.

    Then we can at least hope for a few visitors to the area.

    Of course the residents will have to be removed.

    I suggest we relocate them to North Korea or a part of Russia, where they can live like people did in the 1930s or 1950s.
