Monday, March 12, 2012

Knox County Republicans - They Ain't What They Use To Be!

Knox County is the third largest county in Tennessee. That should translate into the Republican Party being the third largest right? Well, not if you compare them based on Lincoln Day Dinners. First of all the party did not capitalize on the Super Tuesday Primary in attracting a top quality speaker. Instead, they are having the dinner on March 31, 2012 at Rothchild's Catering and Conference Center. An excellent venue, by the way. 

While Rhea County Republican Party had Former State Senator and National Radio Talk Show Host and Television Actor Fred Thompson last month. While the Tennessee Conservative Union attracted former 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate and Radio Talk Show Host Herman Cain last week. 

It seems the best Ray Jenkins and Phyllis Severance could do is TN Senator Bob Corker. Corker who is being challenged in the Republican Primary by Zach Poskevich. All active candidates are recognized so let's see what Ray and Phyllis do on March 31. The musical entertainment is Knoxville's Con Hunley

All eyes will be on Ray. As the party bylaws forbid him from taking sides in a contested primary. It did not go unnoticed at the TCU Reagan Day Dinner with Speaker Herman Cain that Ray was sitting at Law Director Candidate Bud Armstrong's table. Word passing through the Armstrong camp is that Jenkins will be awarded with a job in Law Director Armstrong's office. 


  1. Brian - your rumor mill is 24 hours behind Sandra Clark's.

    As I told her in an e-mail last night and as I announced to the West Knox Republican Club tonight, I am not going to work in the Law Director's office. Neither am I going to work for Phil Ballard or Judge Sword, in case you are curious.

  2. Ray, Thanks for the clarification. You normally ignore emails & calls from Shock And Awe. How I was supposed to know about an email you sent on Sunday night to Sandra Clark is perplexing. Since you haven't given me your email password, like Former Chairman Chad Tindell did to Tyler back in 2004-2005. As for any comment you may have made at West Knox Republican Club last night. I wasn't there and my sources typically ignore any announcements you make.

    While we are having a dialogue here. How do you justify seating at a Republican candidates table during the TCU dinner while that candidate is challenging a Repulican incumbent. That is an endorsement, Correct?

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Until Steve Hunley and his posse are kicked out, the Republicans will be suffering. They do not support democracy, but fully embrace dictatorship!
