Sunday, April 15, 2012

Whatever Became of Arnett's Transparency Pledge?

When Foster Arnett first ran for Knox County Clerk, he pledged to throw the door open on the Clerk's Office. A symbolic gesture to ensure transparency in the operation of the Clerk's Office. However, we were the first to report that Arnett was AWOL (Absent With Out Leave) although he probably gave himself leave and was hospitalized for many days. 

After our Wednesday posting here Mike Donila of Screams From The Porch contacted Arnett and got the Arnett version here on Thursday. Donila credited Shock And Awe for the story. Then Donila got it placed in this published article on Friday over at the Big Metal Shed on the Hill. 

So, why did Arnett slam the door shut in disclosing his 10 day (3 days in Critical Care Unit) hospitalization? No transparency there. The public has a need to know when their elected officials do not have the ability to perform the functions even short term that they were elected and are being paid to perform. 

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