Sunday, May 13, 2012

Grace Baptist Church Should Stand For The Young Believer

This story has been circulating for a couple of weeks. The story in today's paper appear to reflect and represent both sides fairly. First of all, why any court oversteps it's bounds in allowing a divorce agreement to determine religious expression by a student that has reached the age of accountability escapes me. History tells us that the separation of church and state was created to keep the government out of the church. Secondly, the father knew and even attended the baptism. If he wanted to stop it, he could have called Grace Baptist Church. Thirdly, the problem with the youth pastor nor the church standing with the young man, that is just WRONG! If the youth pastor and Grace Baptist cower in the corner because of the father's unbelief than the young man is just a persecuted Christian. I sincerely hope that the young man finds a church and church family that will stand with him and not leave him all alone.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping Them Honest6:04 AM

    BH---I agree 100%....The Grace Baptist Senior Pastor is more concerned with the churches political image than its Christian image...He served on the Knox County Ethics Committee and failed to take stands on issues. This is an important issue that he needs to take a leadership position on!! Also it is time for Judge Swan to "move on"...let's remember this when he seeks reelection...
