Wednesday, May 16, 2012

PlanET Loses a County

I just received a May 1, 2012 letter that Union County Mayor Mike Williams has sent to the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization. 

The letter reads: 

To Whom It May Concern:

At this time, I think it would be in Union County's best interest that we are not a member of the PlanET program. 

Being the smallest county in this, it would be easy for us not to receive the full dedication and benefits that we need. 

Union County is a rural county and is much smaller, as far as demographics are concerned, then the other counties that make up PlanET. According to what I read, hear and see, I feel that Union County would be better served if we promote ourselves as an individual county instead of being grouping with the larger ones and being left behind. I feel that the tax dollars that we have contributed to be a part of  PlanET could have been better spent towards the effective promotion of our county. 

My office has received several calls and visits from some of our citizens who share in my concerns. 

Therefore, at this time, we feel that it would be in Union County's interest not to be a member of PlanET. 



Micheal Williams
Union County Mayor


  1. Keeping Them honest9:27 PM

    What does Maynardville have in common with the Knoxville WaterFront,Market Square cafes, and $5 cupcake...not much. Mike Williams was listening to his rural citizens...most of them only come to Knox County to drop their trash in the County Convenient Centers and shop at Walmart.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Mayor Burchett, let's make Knox County the next county to get out of PlanET. No Agenda 21 in Knox County.

  3. I am in favor of Knox County withdrawing next. I would support the Mayors decission to do so.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Smart man!
