The article stated that "Mackay said he posted the job for five days with the Human Resources Department even though he was not required to do so." So, Greg Mackay admits to the pre meditated fraudulent use of the Knox County's Human Resources Department. Because he said the hiring of Scott Frith was because "It had a lot to do with him being the runner-up," Mackay said. "He got two votes from the commission to be the administrator...."
In a comment from an earlier Brian's Blog post job applicant Arby Dickert stated "I found out about the position by visiting Karns library. I happened to look on the bulletin board in the entranceway and there were a list of job notices. This one caught my eye. Because I am looking for a position, I figured that I would apply. The requirements did not seem to be difficult.
Needless to say, I heard nothing about the position until I saw it was in the newspaper. There were no e-mails, phone calls or interviews.
Was I surprised? Not really."
Brian's Blog has been unable to contact the job applicants because state law requires Social Security number, address and phone numbers be redacted from the copies that we received from the Human Resources Department.
It is believed that this job is an arranged quid pro quo.
Sources close to Mackay and Frith have informed us that the reason that the salary was set at $83, 711 is that if the Republicans maintain the legislative majority and when Paul Crilly is replaced as an Election Commissioner. It is believed and agreed that Scott Frith will be appointed as Administrator of Elections and he will name Greg Mackay as Deputy Director Administrator of Elections. The sources have informed us that he (Mackay) had determined that he could live on a reduced salary of $83,711.
Changes they are a Comin'
It is expected that when the legislature convenes in January 2010 legislation will be introduced to allow home rule form of governments with term limit provisions to also term limit the position of Administrator of Elections.
1 comment:
good work Brian's Blog
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