Thursday, October 27, 2005

Mayor Ragsdale's Neighborhood Night

This evening, Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale held his Neighborhood Night at A.L. Lotts Elementary School in conjunction with the PTA. The event yielded about 100 people.

County Commissioners Mike Hammond, Craig Leuthold and John Griess attended.

Several questions were asked about illegal immigrants living 14 in a house, about junk cars in yards, about dirty lots, about speeding in neighborhoods, construction of roads.

The largest response came from a gentlemen that asked about his taxes going up and the "blackmailed" wheel tax. Mayor Ragsdale explained that taxes have been maintained a low level over a number of years, while the largest increase ever given to schools has occurred during his administration. The gentleman was passionate and tried to dominate the forum at which point the Mayor asked Who paid for your education? The 100 in attendance applauded. The minority of citizens that continue to beat their chest about the wheel tax are sadly mistaken if they think there is a ground swell of opposition.

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