Thursday, October 27, 2005

Texas Prop 2 Q & A

Shouldn't homosexuals have the right to marry?
No one in society has ever had the right to marry anyone they want. No individual has ever had the right to redefine marriage for the rest of us.

Everyone has equal access to marriage, and everyone is equally subject to its restrictions. In our country, each person must meet the five criteria below in order to get married:

1) You cannot already be married.
2) You must be an adult and marry an adult.
3) You cannot marry a close family member.
4) You must marry a human.
5) Your spouse must be of the opposite sex.

Everyone abides by these same rules, and anyone who meets all five criteria can enter into marriage. Same-sex marriage advocates subtly distort the law in order to justify their cause. They claim, falsely, that the right to marry lies in any couple, when in fact it lies in the individual. Not just any conceivable configuration of people have the right to marry because rights belong to individuals—not groups. Every person, however, has the right to marry provided he or she meets the five criteria enumerated in law and nature.

In reality, homosexuals have the exact same right to marry as we all do. They choose not to marry members of the opposite sex, but they could if they wanted to.
This debate is not about who has access to marriage—we all do. It’s about defending what marriage is and always has been.

State law already limits marriage to one man and woman. Proposition 2 isn’t needed, is it?

Yes. The only way to take this issue out of the hands of the judges and place it into the hands of the people is a constitutional amendment. State laws in Hawaii, Massachusetts and all the other states did not stop activist judges from overturning marriage. A state statute is no barrier to an activist judge. Proposition 2 lets the people decide.

Check the Texans for Marriage website for more information.

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