Thursday, November 03, 2005

Jim Henry

This from the Tennessean this morning.

Henry won't seek GOP nomination for governor
Associated Press

Jim Henry, a former Republican state lawmaker and gubernatorial candidate, said he will not run for governor next year, while the state GOP's top official said the party's lone declared candidate, former independent Carl "Two Feathers" Whitaker, can't win.
Henry, who lost to Van Hilleary in the 2002 GOP primary, said he has decided to focus attention in 2006 instead on his disabled son and an expansion of his business, Omni Vision Inc.

"It just isn't the right time," said Henry, a resident of Kingston. Henry had previously said he intended to wait until January to decide on seeking the nomination to oppose incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen. Henry said he advanced the timetable to be fair to potential supporters and candidates. Henry underwent cancer treatments almost two years ago. He said doctors have assured him the chances for recurrence are low, and his health was not a factor. "I intend to be involved in campaigns next year and help Republican candidates," he said. "I will keep the options open for the future."

Jim Henry is a GREAT man that would be an excellent Governor. In early 2002, I met with Jim Henry at the Cracker Barrell on Campbell Station Road. At that time, I was serving on the school board and Jim proved to me at that meeting, what I had seen in him while he served in the legislature. He is knowledgeable of the issues and has a successful record of accomplishments in everything he has touched and a passion to do what is right.

Jim Henry's withdrawal from this race is Tennessee's loss.

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