Saturday, November 05, 2005

2 Candidates and 1 Issue That I will be watching Tuesday

On Tuesday Nov. 8 there will be 2 candidates and 1 Issue that I will be watching.

In Virginia Jerry Kilgore is running for Governor. Jerry is a native of Southwest Virginia. Gate City to be exact. Which makes him as close to a Tennessean as you can get. The bottom line is that Jerry is for the Death Penalty, the liberal democrat, ain't. Jerry is for improving education and roads, his opponent is for the same ole' same ole'. Jerry is for Honest Reform, his opponent is for the status quo. There are several individuals from here in Knox County that are up in Virginia, helping with the 72 hour push.

In New Jersey Doug Forrester is running for Governor. He proudly proclaims that he is a moderate, pro-choice candidate. Fashioned like former Governor Keane. As you know, I am a Republican Conservative that is Pro-Life. However, I am supporting Doug Forrester, because a Republican moderate is better than anything the liberal democrat party led by "The Screamer" can put up.

In Texas there is the Defense Of Marriage issue, Prop. 2. I have written extensively about this issue. Check out the Texans for Marriage website.

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