Saturday, November 05, 2005

KnoxJon reports School Board Community Meeting

KnoxJon is reporting a post on k2k that is purported to be from Indya Kincannon a member of the Knox County School Board. Here is the post

Dear k2kers,

There has been a baby boom in the historic neighborhoods adjacent todowntown. This is good news for the revitalization of our communities andDowntown Knoxville. Many parents of pre-schoolers are, naturally, concerned about where theirchildren will go to school. While some of these concerns are valid, somemay be based on misperceptions. I want to make sure people arewell-informed about their public school options before they opt for privateschool, or even worse, move.

One reason I ran for school board is that many people looking for a place toraise their kids often do not consider Park Ridge, Old North, North Hills,4th & Gill, etc. because they are worried about the quality of the schoolsserving these neighborhoods. What are the issues and how can we resolvethem so people from all economic levels feel comfortable using their publicschools?

If you want to learn more, please join us for an informal meeting onSaturday 11/12 at 9:30am at St James Episcopal Church on Broadway to discussthese issues. Children are welcome and some extra people will be on hand towatch kids on the playground while we talk.

Very Truly Yours,
Indya Kincannon

It would ne helpful to invite more than a small limited audience like k2k, however, you could start by explaining the low test scores, lack of parent involvement, the high incidents of expulsions from Fulton and Austin East High School.

These are my intial thoughts, I may post again later on this topic.

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