Monday, April 03, 2006

Michael English and a note to the Brian's Blog Prayer Warriors

UPDATE:I received an email from Michael this evening at 6:55 p.m., he wanted all the prayer warriors to know. "that the afternoon deal today could not have gone better. Even better than I could've ever expected." "I am overwhelmed with what our God is doing in my life and how merciful he is to us all." "Keep up your work and together we'll tell the world what a great God we serve and that he loves us so much." "I know that the prayers of those wonderful people last night and the reminder you sent out was the difference in what happened today."

In Christ Alone,
Michael English

This evening, Michael English was in concert at my home church, First Baptist Church, Concord.

More than 20 years ago I first witnessed Michael English as he appeared with the Singing Americans a southern gospel group from Maiden, N.C. at the then WNOX Auditorium (which today houses a church, it is located on Whittle Springs Road)

Michael testimony and concert tonight was a very moving experience, the voice hasn't changed, the passion and the peace are strong and vibrant. As Michael acknowledges the whole world understands his stumblings and his failures. We have all failed, but when you are in the public eye, its seems worse.

When Michael first stumbled and Christian radio took his music off the air, I had a conversation with John Hanna, the General Manager then of Love 89. John has sent gone to be with the Lord. I explained to John how I was upset that Christian radio took Michael's music off the air. Michael's music was created for the praise and worship of God and not for the praise and worship of Michael. He told me he was following the industry standard. I explained that I expected this precedent for every other artist that stumbles. He assured me they would. They didn't for Sandy Patty, Amy Grant or any others. I am getting over that, I didn't feel Sandy or Amy should have been pulled nor should Michael's have been pulled.

Michael honored The Happy Goodman Family and in particular Rusty Goodman and his rendition of "Look For Me" was magnificent. His new version of "Gospel Ship", His new song "Baby King" were toe tapper's. The last song of the evening is the trademark Michael English "I Bowed On My Knees and Cried Holy" Michael performed this song with the First Baptist, Concord choir. It brought the congregation to its feet.

I had the opportunity to talk with Michael and let him know that I have followed him for more than 20 years, always purchasing the next new project. There is a new project due out in June 2006, Michael is working on a book and then another CD project. I have followed his career through it all. His website link is in the music section. Check it out.

To all my prayer warriors, Michael shared the following with us tonight. Tomorrow April 3, 2006 at 12:00 noon Nashville time (1:00 p.m. our time) He will be singing at a luncheon as GMA week begins. Pray for Michael through the night, into the morning and through lunch tomorrow, this will be the first time in 12 years for Michael to return. Ask God to give him what to share and bless Michael.

Michael is proof positive that God is Good, All the time God is Good. God can heal sin and sickness and Michael is proof of that. God Bless Michael English.


  1. Thanks for the neat post about Michael. I'm so with every word you said. The Christian "industry" is so hip on building its celebrites up but boy, they aren't there for them when they turn out to be (gasp) humans.

  2. I have received an email from the poster that was confused on Michael's status several years ago.

    It has truly caused him to agonize over his comments. I have since discovered how to delete already posted comments.

    I have since removed those comments.

    Michael is a human, he is a good man that has shared his life and is a humble man. I am Michael's biggest fan.
