Saturday, April 01, 2006

Jim Gray, Knox County Democrat Party Chairman on Term Limits

In an earlier post, I noted that Herbert Moncier was in Chancery Court on Friday March 31, 2006. In that hearing Moncier noted that the Deselm case had been consolidated with Gray, Jim Gray, the head of the Knox County Democrat Party. Jim was sitting at the table with Moncier.

It is interesting to note that if Moncier in his representation of Deselm and Gray is fortunate enough to be successful in Term Limiting the Sheriff it would then apply as well to Mike Padgett the Democrat Knox County Clerk.

I wonder what Mr. Padgett thinks and feels about his party chairman and his office employee(Gray is the computer lab manager)litigating an attempt to shortening his term and forcing him to be removed from office and/or the ballot.

The court hearing was held at 1:30 p.m. on a Friday afternoon while most Knox County employees were busy working.



  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Many Democracts would consider it a good trade. I know and like Mr. Padgett a good deal but, nevertheless, if would mean getting our crooked Sheriff out of office I'm for it.

  2. SteveMule,

    Our Sheriff is not crooked, or else he would have never survived 4 overwhelming re-elections by the people of this county and be unopposed on the ballot in 2006.

    I have been in this county since I started the second grade in a Knox County public school, my family, parents and all of our extended families are from right here.

    I say that to say this.

    I have found that all of the people that cry and belly ache about our Sheriff, "they ain't from around here." They are liberal deanaic's that attempted to run for Congress in Texas, then they came to Knoxville and managed a failed Sheriff Challenger's race and they are the supposed "experts" While their candidate gets on TV on election night and blames the media for his losing campaign.

    I am sure that it is a comfort to Mike Padgett that the Democrats are willing to sacrifice he and his office "to remove the Sheriff". Monsewer is so effective, I am sure it will work. NOT.

    This community is moving away from the era of conflict and personal political destruction. But, you appear to know the KDP players and I am sure you know what Jim Gray's motives are. I am sure Padgett must be aware of it and apparantly approved it.

    Herb Moncier was the only person that received applause when he walked away from the podium friday night at the Election Commission meeting, and I am sure that it wasn't from those in the audience that thought he did a great job, I am sure it was those individuals that were glad that Chairwoman Reeves and Election Commission Secretary/Member Chris Haegerty were not willing to allow Monsewer to grandstand.

  3. Mr. Hornback,
    "Liberial Deaniacs"??? Excuse me, but when did the good sheriff win these overwhelming elections? Did he just staret since the '04 Primaries?
    Oh Wait! It's a slur! A personal attack, a slime ball thrown at anyone that doesn't hew the orthodox party line. Kind'a like saying "Monsewer" when refering to Mr. Moncier. I am impressed by inverse application of the 10th Commandment. Kudo's, indeed, good Sir.
    Finally, in so far as how "being from 'round here" effects things all I can say that the good sheriff's antics would not be tolerated where I'm originally from but then in Kansas the people have and demand a more "old west" style tradition of law enforcement (track down and get the bad guys) and not the "suth'rn good 'ole boy" approach what be seem'n work 'round here.

  4. SteveMule,

    You have noted correctly that in my haste in a reply, I misspelled, Mr. Moncier's name, it certainly was not intentional or it would have been misspelled throughout the entire reply. I apologize.

    As for the Sheriff he won re-election overwhelmingly not in '04 but in 2002, (the campaign manager of the democrat challenger, would like to re-write history as he did in a copy of Campaigns and Elections saying the 2002 election was a narrow win, it just wasn't close) The Sheriff also won re-election in 1998 and 1994. He defeated the incumbent Democrat Sheriff in 1990.

    I simply note the "ain't from around here" because that is the sentiment that comes from a majority of the local democrats that I talk with, I have a nice enjoyable relationship with many current Board of Governors of the Knox County Democrat Party as well as former high ranking officials in the local "left wing" Democrat party. (All of these folks, laugh when I refer to them in these joking characteristics, like "left wing". It is meant as lighthearted humor, which they dish out to me as well. We shouldn't think or take ourselves for more than we are) They describe the current leadership of their party as liberal deaniacs.
