Monday, May 15, 2006

U.S. Senate Candidate Katherine Harris Receives Endorsement

The Katherine Harris for U.S. Senate campaign welcomed the reiteration of support expressed by U.S. Senator Mel Martinez in comments he made at the National Press Club on Friday May 12, 2006.

"[Katherine Harris] is by far the most serious of those candidates and I think she will be the nominee. I wish her well. And I think that the best thing she can do is to focus her race on the issues and her opponent and their differences and why she would be a great senator from the state of Florida for this country. I wish her well. And I will be endorsing her -- if I have not already done so. I think I already have, but I will be, I am sure, campaigning with her," Martinez said.

"I am grateful for Senator Martinez's friendship, support, and endorsement. I look forward to having him with me on the campaign trail and serving with him in the United States Senate," Congresswoman Harris said.

Earlier on Friday May 12, 2006 the Katherine Harris for U.S. Senate campaign responded to the close of filing of candidates for the U.S. Senate today.

Campaign spokesman Chris Ingram said, "While we would have preferred not to have had a contested Primary, the campaign is confident that it will continue to maintain and expand the support of loyal Republicans and grassroots activists who share Katherine Harris' commitment to fight for Florida's families, small businesses, and senior citizens. With a tremendous base of support, we expect to be victorious in September and November."

"The Primary gives us an opportunity to further demonstrate Katherine's commitment to the people of Florida and remind them she will be an independent voice for their concerns in the United States Senate. Today, more than ever, voters want a senator who has their interests in mind, as opposed to the interest of the political power-elite," he said.

"Ultimately, our focus will be on taking on liberal Bill Nelson in November and demonstrating the distinct differences between Katherine Harris the fighter, and Bill Nelson, the do-nothing senator," Ingram concluded.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    This is nice, but it won't change anything.


  2. We will see.

    Again, your banking on polls that mean nothing today. The only poll that matters is the voters poll on election day

  3. Mr. Hornback,
    True enough but all the indicators that have been reliable before all predict the samething.

