Monday, May 15, 2006

Vote On Marriage Protection Amendment - June 6, 2006

On June 6,2006 the United States Senate will vote on the constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It is critical that you contact your senators and ask them to vote for the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA).

Take time to read Dr. Maggie Gallagher's very detailed and accurate article by clicking here.

The expectation is that the Democratic senators will attempt to vote to kill the MPA. The public is not aware that the Democratic National Committee has given thousands of dollars to homosexual groups to help promote homosexual marriage.

It is anticipated that activist judges are waiting to make homosexual marriage legal. It is expected that the Washington state Supreme Court will rule homosexual marriage legal as soon as the elections are over.

Only a constitutional amendment will stop homosexual marriage from becoming the law of the land. Click here to send an email to your two senators.

Hat Tip to the AFA (American Family Association) for this item.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Are refering to the same Dr. Maggie Gallagher was paid $21,500 by the U.S. government to promote a Bush administration proposal intended to promote marriage? The one that was secretly paid by the Bush administration to promote government policies during a period of time when the president was publicly debating those policies? Is she that one?


  2. Your point is? The same argument has and continues to be made about many liberals. Look at James Carville, Paul Begalla or George Stephy, they are paid to get the talk right. I do not know if this is the case with Dr. Gallagher or not. It is an article in a recent issue of a reputable publication The Weekly Standard.

    Just because you can find something that slams her on an internet site, doesn't make it accurate.

    You simply want to discredit anyone or any view that is based on conservative principles.

  3. Mr. Hornback,
    That's why I was asking. I felt that you would be in a better position to know than I. The Weekly Standard is a good publication - I've no beef with that. I was just wonderering about the good Doctor and how, or if, this speaks to her character.

