Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Congresswoman Katherine Harris on Traditional Marriage - Bill Nelson on being like Teddy

"I believe the majority of Americans strongly support the preservation of traditional marriage. We must never undermine the uniqueness of an institution that continues to serve as an essential thread in the fabric of our society. I support the passage of the Marriage Protection amendment being debated in the Senate," Congresswoman Harris said.

Katherine Harris campaign spokesman Chris Ingram said, "It's time for Nelson to stop making bogus claims of being a moderate in Florida while voting like Ted Kennedy in Washington, D.C. Bill Nelson should stop voting like a liberal and start voting with the values of common-sense Floridians. A good first-start would be by voting in favor of the marriage amendment which simply defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman."

Let's not stop Nelson from being who he is. Nelson will wear out his welcome and then in November 2006 Senator-Elect Katherine Harris.

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