Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Voice and "The Guestbook"

Last evening, I received an invitation by email to appear on The Voice due to some comments that were being posted on the guestbook. I have been so busy all of last week and yesterday traveling out of the coverage area of The Voice.

Fortunately, the Chief of Staff of The Voice forwarded me the link to the guestbook. I checked it out. It is comical. It is obvious that the ones that are critical of me are motivated by selfish desires. They are people that have been beaten at the polls, due to my work on behalf of their opponents. It is individuals that have always wanted to be a position like Chairman, but everytime they ran the trial balloon up, it got busted.

Yes, I was unsuccessful in a re-election effort in 2004. It wasn't the end of the world. The past two years, I believe my priorities are in the right place. The past two years, I have realized how much of a contact sport politics is and campaigns that I will be focused on in the future, will be back to the former Hornback style. The style that has elected numerous people and elected me in 2000.

Everything on this website/blog that is reported about public meetings are facts, when a quote from a public meeting is sighted it is in the record. When I give my opinion, well it is an opinion, mine and if you want to give your opinion, get your own blog. You can send a comment and if I want to approve it and post it, I will. If I don't, well it's my blog and I will not approve or post it. This blog is in my name but several people are involved and from time to time several people see a comment and help decide if it should appear or not. It's a team concept that works well. Brian's Blog has over 150 people everyday from every corner of the world checking it out. It has and will continue to be a success.

When I appeared on The Voice for 1 hour, not one of the callers talked about this blog. It demonstrates that those with courage on the internet as anonymous posters, do not have a spine in a public forum.

I talked to Lloyd and Kelvin after the show, I told them that I would be happy to come back on the air and talk about my blog, but, that I hope everyone continues wearing the guestbook out, because when people see my name, others will Google it and the blog and website come up.

The Brian Hornback brand is a good thing.

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