Friday, August 18, 2006

Brian's Blog Anniversary and Celebration

Update: In yesterdays Farragut Press there is an ad announcing my 40th birthday. Thanks to Cathy Moore for this ad. It was fairly easy to determine where this ad came from. All of my young pictures are controlled by either my mother or myself. Cathy is getting be back for a flock of pink flamingo that adorned her yard the year that she turned 40. I asked Cathy yesterday instead of using a 2003 hairless face picture of me, she should have used a 2004 or earlier with the goatee. She also should have printed my website and blog address. I do appreciate he thoughtfulness and am reminded of the old saying that paybacks are ____.

This weekend marks the two year anniversary of the creation of Brian's Blog. It has and continues to be a great ride. Thank you to the many avid readers. Yesterday morning, I stopped at the local bagel shop and Julie informed me that she is always checking Brian's Blog. Thank You. Thank You.

On Sunday I will become 40 years old. As I look at August 20th, (Sara, remember the plan that McKenzie is to be born between 12:01 am and 11:59:59 pm on Sunday) I realize that I am a blessed man. For 18 years I have been married to a wonderful wife, almost 16 years ago I was blessed with our oldest son, we have been blessed with a 12 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. I have been blessed with three jobs in my life that I have always enjoyed and never tired of going to work each morning. The past 14 years I have been employed by the largest food company in the world, the job is as fresh and new as it was on March 1, 1992. It continues to be a great ride.

I have been blessed to live in Southwest Knox County since December 1992. I have been blessed with some great friends. I was blessed to serve Southwest Knox County on the School Board and my service still carries on today. Memorial Day observation and the televised school board workshops are the two proudest achievements that I have had in my 4 year term. One day, I will list them all.

The past year and a half, I have blessed to have the honor of serving as the Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party (KnoxGOP). The year 2006 was the big ballot (the Judges, District Attorney General and Public Defender) were on the ballot. The Knox GOP had 37 candidates on the ballot and I have been reminded that we won 33, unfortunately, we lost a Great County Commissioner in David Collins and the three Democrat incumbents on County Commission that we challenged were re-elected. However, we swept the Countywide races and maintain our Majority status in Knox County. In 1998, the party got swept in all four races. I am a blessed man.

The past 40 years have been a wonderful ride and I look forward to the remaining time that I have and I know that I have a blessed life and just hope and prayer that I give back enough, more than enough for what I have been given and that I continue to honor the one that has blessed my life. Thanks.

Now, I will get back to posting on real issues, this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Brian -

    Happy 40th, my friend!

    From one old man to another,

